TO Covenant
LOCATED IN Deerfield Beach, Florida

TO Covenant
LOCATED IN Deerfield Beach, Florida

TO Covenant
LOCATED IN Deerfield Beach, Florida
As the foregoing psalm was moral, and showed us our duty, so this is evangelical, and shows us our Saviour. Under the type of David’s kingdom (which was of divine appointment, met with much opposition, but prevailed at last) the kingdom of the Messiah, the Son of David, is prophesied of, which is the primary intention and scope of the psalm; and I think there is less in it of the type, and more of the anti-type, than in any of the gospel psalms, for there is nothing in it but what is applicable to Christ, but some things that are not at all applicable to David

Genesis 1-11
This month Pastor John primary sermon series is an exposition of Genesis 1-11. Genesis is always a timely book. Christians need to be equipped with the direction God’s Word gives about major questions being wrestled with by our confused culture.
To Covenant Reformed Church
I’m so glad you’ve come to learn a little more about us. We are a church in Deerfield Beach, Florida desiring to glorify God and reach the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ. If you have any questions about the Church please contact us anytime.
Thanks again for stopping by. We hope to see you soon!
Pastor John

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We work hard to create a place where everyone who comes has a place to connect with God and each other.
“For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.”
2 Chronicles 16:9a
Join us this Sunday
Sunday School 10:00 AM – Morning Service 11:00 AM
Covenant Reformed Church
1469 SW 27th Way
Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442